Laser Eye Surgery Benefits

For individuals who have been dependent on glasses or contact lenses for clear vision, the thought of life without them may seem like an unachievable dream. However, with the modern procedure of laser eye surgery, this dream has become a reality for millions worldwide. Vision Care Clinic explore laser eye surgery benefits at Bristol’s leading private eye clinic.

Lenticular Extraction

Lenticular Extraction is a revolutionary type of laser eye surgery that corrects vision problems by removing the lens inside the eye and replacing it with an artificial one. This procedure offers several key benefits. Firstly, it can effectively treat a wide range of refractive errors, including shortsightedness (myopia) and longsightedness (hyperopia). Secondly, since only the internal lens is manipulated, the outer surface of the cornea remains unaltered, reducing the risk of complications. Lenticular Extraction also has a rapid recovery time, with most patients experiencing improved vision within a few days.


LASIK is perhaps the most well-known and widely practiced form of laser eye surgery. During the procedure, a precise laser is used to reshape the cornea, correcting visual impairments such as myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. One of the significant benefits of using LASIK laser surgery is its rapid recovery time, with most patients noticing improved vision within a few hours.

Surface Laser

Surface laser procedures are alternative options for individuals with thin or irregular corneas. In surface laser procedures, the surgeon reshapes the outer layer of the cornea without creating a corneal flap. This approach eliminates the risk of flap-related complications and allows for a safer procedure with excellent long-term outcomes. While the recovery period for surface laser procedure is slightly longer compared to LASIK, the benefits can be just as remarkable.

Presbyopic Laser

Presbyopia is a common age-related condition where the eye’s natural lens loses flexibility, making it difficult to focus on close objects. Presbyopic Laser surgery offers a tailored solution to address this issue. Presbyopic Laser surgery not only restores clarity of vision at all distances but also allows individuals to regain their independence and enjoy activities such as reading, driving, and using digital devices without the hassle of constantly switching between glasses.

Laser eye surgery has revolutionised vision correction, offering countless individuals the opportunity to experience life without the restrictions of glasses or contact lenses. The advanced options discussed above, including Lenticular Extraction, LASIK, Surface Laser, and Presbyopic Laser, provide tailored solutions for various eye conditions, resulting in improved vision, enhanced quality of life, and an increased sense of freedom and confidence. By considering laser eye surgery, you can embark on a journey towards clear, unencumbered vision that will positively impact many aspects of your life.

Laser Eye Surgery at Vision Care Clinic

Feel the benefits of laser eye surgery with Bristol’s leading private eye clinic, Vision Care Clinic. Vision Care Clinic offer a range of laser eye surgery treatments, including Lenticular Extraction, LASIK, Surface Laser and Presbyopic Laser. If you’re considering laser eye surgery at Vision Care Clinic, you may also be questioning the cost of laser eye surgery. At Vision Care Clinic we are able to also offer flexible payment plans for your laser eye surgery treatment.

Contact Vision Care Clinic on 0117 905 7722 for your comprehensive consultation and bespoke laser eye surgery treatment plan.

Published 22nd February 2024
by Helen Wood
Presbyopic Laser
For individuals who have been dependent on glasses or contact lenses for clear vision, the thought of life without them may seem like an unachievable dream. However, with the modern procedure of laser eye surgery, this dream has become a reality for millions worldwide.

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