Understanding Cataracts: Symptoms & Treatments

What Are Cataracts?

Cataracts are a common eye condition that affects the clarity of the natural crystalline lens inside the eye, leading to a variety of visual impairment. The lens in a healthy eye is clear and allows light to pass through, focusing it on the retina to create a sharp image. However, as we age, the lens becomes cloudy and opaque, causing the light to scatter and resulting in cloudy, blurred vision. Cataracts typically develop slowly over time and can occur in one or both eyes. Factors such as age, genetics, diabetes, smoking, and prolonged exposure to sunlight can contribute to the development of cataracts.  Less commonly cataracts can occur in very small children or as a result of trauma.

What Are the Symptoms of Cataracts?

Cataracts can cause several symptoms that affect vision. Symptoms of cataracts include clouded and blurred vision, making it difficult to see objects clearly. Individuals may also experience trouble seeing at night or in dimly lit environments, as well as increased sensitivity to light and glare. Another symptom is the need for brighter light when engaging in activities like reading or working on close-up tasks. Some individuals may notice the appearance of “halos” around lights, which can affect their visual perception. Changes in glasses or contact lens prescription often occur more frequently as cataracts develop. Colours may appear faded or yellowed, impacting colour perception. In some cases, double vision in one eye may occur. It is important to note that these symptoms can vary in severity and may develop gradually over time.

Can I have Surgery for Cataracts?

Cataracts are very common, and millions of cataract correction surgeries are performed every year with transformative results. Cataract surgery offers the opportunity for a new lease on life, returning colour and vibrancy to vision, and therefore greatly improving quality of life. Patients can even choose to correct their full glasses prescription, enabling freedom from glasses, even for near vision.

Cataract treatments are usually performed as an outpatient procedure using topical anaesthetic and is typically a quick procedure with a fast recovery time. Most cataract patients experience improved vision within the first few days’ post-surgery and can typically return to everyday life within a week.

Vision Care Clinic Treatment for Cataracts

During cataract surgery at Vision Care Clinic in Bristol, the natural, cloudy lens is removed and replaced with a clear lens implant called an intra-ocular lens (IOL). The entire cataract procedure at Vision Care Clinic takes approximately 10-15 minutes and is a minimally invasive technique. At Vision Care Clinic, we offer three types of lenses to be implanted during cataract surgery, including standard monofocal lenses, as well as enhanced range of vision and premium, full range of vision lenses. Your surgeon will perform a detailed consultation and thorough clinical examination where lifestyle, needs will be discussed.  All options will be discussed and explained, and a professional recommendation will be made by your doctor.

Premium Cataract Surgery at Vision Care Clinic

The premium cataract lens offered at Vision Care Clinic utilises multifocal lens implants for complete freedom of vision. These premium lenses will achieve intermediate, near and distance vision and significantly reduce or even eliminate the need for the on, off of reading glasses. To find out more about our premium cataract surgery, click here.

Enhanced Cataract Surgery at Vision Care Clinic

The enhanced cataract lens option at Vision Care Clinic offers clear, corrected distance vision, including toric lenses for individuals with astigmatism, if necessary.  These lenses can also potentially reduce dependency on reading glasses while correcting distance vision so patients enjoy good living vision. To find out more about our enhanced cataract surgery, click here.

Enjoy rejuvenated vision and improve your quality of life with cataract surgery at Vision Care Clinic. Contact our friendly team today on 0117 905 7722 to book in for your cataract consultation.

Published 22nd November 2023
by Helen Wood
Upper middle aged man and woman
What Are Cataracts? Cataracts are a common eye condition that affects the clarity of the natural crystalline lens inside the eye, leading to a variety of visual impairment. The lens in a healthy eye is clear and allows light to pass through, focusing it on the retina to create a sharp image.

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